Friends. Such a simple word that rolls off our tongue without thought or hesitation. Think about how often you throw the word “friends” around, almost as if we have “friends” growing on trees and we’re never worried that we would be without them. It’s kind of a shame when you think about it… because of all the things we have in life, friends should never be taken for granted. Let me tell you why.
I can think back at my life and reflect on the friendships that developed over the years. From the friends I’ve made as a child who I had the privilege to become an adult with and now raise families together. The friendships I made in college who were there for me during the first round of pivotal change, my 20’s! And the friends I made in “adult world” where you actually have to focus on things other then being just a friend- because now you’re a colleague, a wife, and a mother. While reflecting on my friends it became abundantly clear that I am one lucky gal. I began to think about the dynamics of the friendships and asking myself why these relationships, and the other friendships in my life are so significant? I came up with some answer I’d like to share:
“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment, and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.” ~ Dr. Brené Brown Like what you see? Share it with those that matter!
Renee ConcepcionA place to ponder and express Archives
May 2017